Saturday, January 2, 2010

Losing all Control

As many of you know, I am an organized (little obsessive) person. I like my routines, lists, schedules, and plans each day. I like my kids to take naps at the same time each day and go to bed around the same time each day.  Until about two weeks ago, I had chore days and weeks that pretty much followed the same flow day in and day out. Tuesday, December 22nd changed all of that.
  Since we have learned of Andrew's cancer and the amount of time it will take to hopefully take it away, my world has been anything but predictable. From the first day of dropping everything we had planned to checking our boy into the hospital, I have had to go with the flow. I have always said that one, then two, then three, the four children are going to force me to just be flexible. I think I have grown in that area since having all my wonderful children, however, I have been forced to just take it a minute at a time.
 I lay in bed this morning, listening to the roll of the breakfast tray, the nurses bustling by, and the breathing of my son next to me and I just cried. I cried for his pain. I cried for my other children that don't have me here with them. I cried for my heart that just breaks over having to be here watching the pain of Andrew and the others around us. I even cried for my normal. What does that mean anymore? How will Madi get to school? How can I make a food list for my house when I am not home to even see the food go away? How do I even get to scrub my bathroom just because it is mine? All these things are very overwhelming and I have no answers. I have to idea what tomorrow holds as I am in the hands of the doctors' orders and Andrew's health. It is unnerving and scary. I feel completely out of control and it is scary. But I do have Someone that is in control. Sometimes this thought seems trite, but when you are in a situation that has totally unarmed you and you can do nothing else to create calm, it is wonderful to know I have a God that has "ordained" all the days for me. He is holding my hand and He will help me with this moment. I have always been a planner and for the first time am seeing that He alone can be my planner. I must depend on Him and other people for EVERYTHING. I think until this morning I even believed that I could do some of the things and micromanage from afar and I have been humbled again to see I can do NOTHING.  And that is scary. I am scared of things not getting done. I am scared to disappoint others especially my family. I am scared of being alone. And sometimes I am scared that the faith I have clung to before will not be real. The sweet news for this morning is, today I believe God is good and in control and loves me and my family. I will cling to that because I have lost all control of everything else.
 Thank you to all who read our posts. All that pray for us and our scary situation. Thank you for your service to our family and for holding us up when we fall. This will be a long journey full of fears and unknowns, but with the Lord Jesus and His "helpers" we will make it one day at a time.


  1. Rick and Jessie,

    I find myself checking 4 or 5 times a day for posts from you about Andrew. I appreciate your honesty and "realness" in these posts. I can't pretend to be able to imagine what you are going thru so I pray often for you to feel the comfort of our precious LORD who does know and who cares deeply about this. I wish I could "do" something to help you but obviously our being 2 hours away keeps us from doing what we want to do. Know that we are thinking of you and praying for you often. We love you guys.

    Doug, Tammy and Erica

  2. Jessie,
    Hold on to all the love that surrounds you!
    We love and pray for your family!
    John and Kinta

  3. Jessie,
    You would not be human if you were not scared. Try not to beat yourself up about the small stuff...someone else can clean that bathroom or make out a food list. Your job is to get Andrew (and Madi, Becca and Luke) through this as best you can. Rely on God first and your friends and family next. We love you and will help with what we can! Wish I lived closer...I would clean your bathroom for you!
    *hugs* and prayers,
    Sarah (and family)

  4. Dear jessie and Rick,

    My prayer is for your marriage. This is an unbleievable stress and attacks the foundation blocks of your family. hang tight to each other; that is the greatest gift you can give your children and all with whom you relate.

    God is able Isa. 26:3

  5. Sweet Jessie and Rick,

    We, along with so many are praying for you morning, noon, and night....praying for hope, for healing, for comfort, and for peace for each of you. Thank you again for sharing your hearts...we love you....

  6. We prayed for you at dinner. You're on our minds at various times each day. Thanks again for updating this and for being really honest about your thoughts and feelings. We love you and are lifting you up to Him.

    Dan and Paula

  7. Happy Birthday, dear Jessie!! We hope you had a great slumber party last night! Talk about making lemons into lemonaide, you top the cake. We were so glad to visit you at the hospital yesterday and to see, play with and read to dear Andrew. God bless your day in unexpected ways. God danced the day you were born!! Blessings, Hank and Peggy

  8. As I read your words Jessie some very painful yet beautiful memories flooded my brain. We are so with you on this journey, but most of all God will show Himself much more vivid to the both of you then ever before! We truly never felt closer to Him then when HE had complete control and we had to surrender all with Caitie. Now allow Him to hold you! "He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday...For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands,so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread upon the lion and the cobra;you will trample the great lion and the serpent. "Because he loves me," says the Lord, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be WITH HIM IN TROUBLE, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation." (Psalm 91:4-6, 11-16) May HIS words be the beautiful feathers that cover you! Now rest under HIS wings knowing He is in control. We love you guys!
    Lee and Coleen

  9. Dear, Jessie. As a fellow mom, I totally empathize with your feeling out of control! And I'm a mom who is not sitting in the hospital with my world spinning right now. The amazing thing is that God can give you and me precisely what we need, each and every day, to get through the big and little struggles we have! You are so right...He is in control and you must depend on others and Him for everything!

    I know you don't have time to coordinate life right now, but I want to help you and I'm not that far I'd like to know what I can do. I'd LOVE to come clean your bathrooms, kitchen, make a grocery list (as best I can) and do whatever it is you need done at the house! Lacey and I can make a great team :)Just call on me..and I'll be calling you! Please let me know what I can be doing to help you through this.

    I am checking this blog daily and appreciate you and Rick communicating with us through it. My heart goes out to you and I am encouraged by the comments that others are sending you! When words escape me, all I can do is pray...and I am....every moment!

    Love you, Jessie,

  10. Jessie, I know you would never choose this trial, and we pray it ends soon, but in the meantime God is teaching us as He teaches you---teaching us through you. Thank you (and Rick) for sharing your story with us, for being so transparent, for showing us what faith looks like when it's all you can cling to. There are many times throughout the day when I am praying for you and I am reminded not to sweat the small stuff. "Surrender"---that is the word that comes to mind when I read this post. You are not losing control, you are surrendering to God. And it is beautiful, in all its pain. Happy birthday, my dear friend. Love, Lauren

  11. Jessie,

    My heart is heavy and aching and I have no words right now, other than to say Happy Birthday and that I love you..........


  12. Jessie,
    Happy Birthday sweet girl! Rest in the arms of Jesus tonight. He's holding on tightly to your world. Love to you and Rick!

  13. Happy Birthday, sweet many thoughts, prayers, and Scriptures are being prayed over you & your precious family.
    I think of you daily, pray for you daily, & am hoping that you discovered some joy or hidden blessing in the joy of today & the celebration of God creating YOU. :)
    Love you!

  14. Rick & Jessi;

    Reading your blogs brings back many, many memories that I have surpressed for many years. The one thing that I know without doubt is that God, and God alone will carry you and your family through this. Nerver forget that He will not take you beyound your limit nor will He take Andrew beyound his. He will use everyone you know and even some you don't to complete His will. Stay strong for each other and always remember that when things look darkest God does His beat work.

    Love ya!

    Lee & Coleen

  15. It's difficult to imagine having a child with cancer, let alone facing this as a reality. We pray first and foremost for Andrew's health, and then for God to give him and the rest of his family the strength to endure and to submit to His all-wise counsel.

  16. Lee , Coleen and Caitie :)January 7, 2010 at 4:29 PM

    HIS feathers are ever so evident!
