Saturday, May 1, 2010

Spring is Coming

  All is quiet here . The kids crashed as soon as their heads hit the pillows and Rick was close behind them. This last week has been a wild one, but one with an amazing ending. This week was the preparation for the Pilgrim Road concert for Andrew. Rick was one of the main performers so he was gone every evening for a few hours. On top of that, we had unexpected doctor's appointments come up, kindergarten orientations, park play dates, prayer times with friends, and just normal craziness being a family of 6. Needless to say, by Friday morning I was a bundle of nerves secretly just wanting this week to be over. A lot got done on Friday. Balancing checkbooks, mowing grass, taking Madi to her orientation, picking up Luke's one year pictures, food shopping, decorating an Elmo cake, picking up the house, and preparing for my nieces to babysit for my precious ones. The Lord was faithful to help all of those things get done. So by the time my wonderful family arrived at our house, things were smooth and I was ready to go. I really had no idea what to expect, who would be there, or how emotional I would be. I hadn't asked a whole lot of questions because I wanted to be surprised and really experience the concert.
 My sister, brother-in-law and I  arrived a few minutes before it was going to start. Many familiar faces greeted us and we stayed in the back chatting for a little while. Then the music began. A very familiar song by Steven Curtis Chapman started to play and the big screen up front filled with familiar images. I raced to my front row seat not wanting to miss a second of the night and cuddled in beside my sister in law and my wonderful friend Karen. The tears immediately began to flow. The pictures that flashed across the screens were familiar, but they brought with them memories. Memories of the time before cancer, during the hospital stays, and the season afterwards. My mind raced to try to remember all that  was presented while the whole time just sitting there still not believing this had really happened to us. The slideshow was only about four and a half minutes long, but it felt like an hour. It was a beautiful collection of the last few months.
  Then the show began. The lights dimmed and the group walked out onto the stage. The evening was filled with songs of faith, struggle, hope, and truth. Rick shared several amazing stories describing the awful journey we have been down; however, the faithful Father that has held our hand the entire way. I sat in awe of the musical talent that played and sang before me, as well as the story that was revealed in an incredible way. I watched as a dear friend sang from her heart and could barely look at me for fear of then not being able to collect herself. I watched two men come alive as they strummed the guitar strings and added harmonies to the tunes. I watched in amazement as the man I married almost ten years ago created such a beautiful sound with his voice and his hands. The concert was one of the very best things I have ever experienced. My soul was awakened and my heart was reconnected with my story and the story of my Savior's. In addition, I was surrounded by the very friends and family that had carried us through this battle. To see all those faces and relive this experience was truly the work and art of Jesus in my life.
  As the final program song finished, I began to feel my self exhale. However, another wave of emotion was on its way. Three of the band members exited the stage as the clapping slowed and Rick was left standing up there. He thanked everyone for coming, but said he had one more song he wanted to perform. The song he performed was one that has been my theme song during this entire journey. It is one full of truth, God's power, and the hope that death will not win. I have sung this song probably 100 times at least. I would sing it holding Andrew with my hands pressed against his chest when he was first diagnosed. I would sing this song in the shower at the hospital or in my kitchen while my other little ones ate or danced around with me. The song that Rick performed beautifully on piano was the song "Mighty to Save." He shared his memories of his family with this song and then asked if we would all help him sing it. The words were posted on the screen and the music began. As soon as I heard the melody, chills ran down my body and my eyes welled with tears. Rick began singing and immediately got choked up and allowed the audience to take over. You see this is not just some cute lyrics to make me feel better. This was a song that constantly reminded me that God's hand was on Andrew and He could heal him. I was reminded that the Lord had already defeated death and He could give my son another chance at life. I began on December 22nd singing this song with such conviction and hope that it flowed through my blood. As I sat there listening to my dear husband's voice and the voices of those I loved around me, I was reminded once again of God's faithfulness and the fact that we had made it through the winter and spring was finally here. Andrew has been healed and we walk knowing that God honored our cries. As the song neared its final verses, hands went up in the air to praise the Great Healer. The sanctuary stood to finish out the final words and the curtain closed in hope.
 As I sit here alone pondering just the last few days of busyness, music, friends and wonderful family time, I am thankful. Thankful for my son and his life that was given back to us. Thankful for my other children that have such amazing hearts and minds. Thankful for my marriage to a man of many gifts and a heart of gold. Thankful for the continued provision of God to help our family in so many ways. Thankful for our dear friends...both old and new that have blessed us in numerous ways this entire time. Thankful for refreshing family time with sisters, brothers, and nieces. And thankful that I am finite and I serve a God who truly loves me and has all my days planned.
 By the way, if you weren't able to make this concert, there will be dvd's and cd's made that you can probably get a hold of. You don't want to miss this!

1 comment:

  1. dear Jessie,

    Thank you for transporting me to the concert. we would definitely life to get a cd. I didn't understand the comment box options, so here I am as anonymous Lois :) This blog has been an incredible inspiration and encouragement to be honest with God and our friends.
    [HAving trouble with the shift key..sigh!!] that's a small problem.

    richest blessings, tom and lois
